Have you ever gone through a time of depression, discouragement or even despair? Well, you are in good company because some of God’s greatest heroes battled depression.
The Bible records that Moses, Elijah and even Jonah suffered through times of discouragement. In fact, there were some times where they were so downcast that they desired for their lives to end...BUT they did not take matters into their own hands. Instead, they turned to GOD.
The one who wrote our verse for today mentioned above from Psalm 42 was battling depression. You think you are having a bad day, well, the author of this psalm was exiled from his home, oppressed by cruel enemies and he cried out to God for help. Remember these psalms were typically sung. Literally, the book of Psalms was the "hymn book" of the day. This is a psalm of instruction and teaching.
If you are going through a time of deep depression, tell it to Jesus and ask Him for His presence to be with you. Remember no matter how desperate your situation may seem, God will be there for you! If you are going through a trial or temptation ask God to deliver you and ask Him to restore you. Put your hope in God and praise Him for He is your Savior and your God. Remember this whenever you go through problems in life. (Note: I said "whenever" because we all go through problems, trials, temptations, discouragement and despair!)
My question today is that when you go through those tough times and challenges in life, do you have an intense longing for GOD?
I can guess that many times those prayers are filled with what we need from God rather than for God’s presence. There is nothing wrong with asking God for what we need, but we must realize that the greatest need of our lives is for God Himself, His holy presence. Sometimes we need to look at things from God’s perspective. Let me put this question looking at it from God’s perspective.
How would you feel if your child only talked to you when he wanted something? How would you feel if he never climbed into your lap, or if he never begged you to play with him, or ever put his arms around you and hugged and kissed you? Well, the heart of God must break when we His dear children, desire only what He can give us. Surely He grieves when we do not long for Him and for His assuring presence!
God gave animals instincts that He didn’t give to human beings, but He gave human beings spiritual insight and revelation that He didn’t give to animals. The greatest reward for longing for God and seeking Him is in finding Him. But we must seek Him with all our hearts. It is just like the deer who intensely longs for water that is how our soul must go after you, O Lord. Augustine, a church father, said our hearts are restless until they rest in God. You’re made in the image of God. You are made to know Him and to rest in Him. How about you take some time today and read God’s word and meet with Him in prayer.
What is the basic message of Psalm 42? While the psalmist speaks openly with God about his feelings, however, he also declares his determination to put all of his hope in God. He fully believes that while things are not great at the moment, because God is great, restoration is always right around the corner, even if it doesn't always fit our timelines or time table.
Put your HOPE IN GOD today!