If you are alive and have eyes to see and ears to hear you know that we as Americans are in trouble. How do we get our country back on track? How can we turn this nation back to God? Can it even be done? Yes! We can make a difference! This verse is God’s wonderful promise to His people. His hand of judgment could be stopped. Let's take a look at this scripture in detail!
There can be no “finger-pointing” when returning to God. He’s talking to us, individually. The Bible tells us that Judgment always begins at the House of God. We Believers, we Christians must confess Him.
It is good to be a proud American as long as we can bow to God. Prayer is never obsolete, outdated or too late. We must ALL do the three things listed in this verse: HUMBLE OURSELVES, PRAY, and SEEK GOD's Face. The prayer referenced here is not just a "quick, cute little, bless-me, prayer", but an "old fashioned, revival seeking, faith filled" prayer, much like the one that Daniel prayed as recorded in Daniel chapter 9.
We are notorious for repenting but not turning. Repentance means to turn. A real 180 degree turn. Most times it seems that we love evil too much to turn from it. This scripture is reminding us that we must pray and seek Him.
God is waiting to hear from us. God longs for America to return to Him. Our Father wants to hear from us. Then the results will be forgiveness and the healing of our land!
Forgiveness awaits all who will turn. Healing awaits all who turn. Can America return to God? If America wants to – YES.
But the question is: Do we want to change?
God has given us a great blessing in our country. It is a blessing worth preserving through prayer and devotion to God in the face of those who would want to tear it down. Unless we serve God we will live in bondage. I know many say alcoholism, drug addiction, all other kinds of addictions keep people in bondage BUT the Bible reminds us that pride, greed, envy, jealousy, gossip, life-style choices also keeps us in bondage.
Christianity and patriotism have much in common. It is significant to note that: Our patriotic hymn "My County, ’Tis of Thee", was written by a Baptist clergyman, Samuel Francis Smith.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was written in 1892 by a Baptist minister, Francis Bellamy. Do you even remember the Pledge of Allegiance????? Can you recite it?
The words, "In God We Trust," carried on all of our coins, are traced to the efforts of the Rev. W.R. Watkinson of Ridleyville, Pennsylvania. His letter of concern, addressed to the Hon. S.P. Chase, was dated November 13, 1861. Seven days later Mr. Chase wrote to James Pollock, Director of the U.S. Mint as follows:
"No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins. Will you cause a device to be prepared without delay with a motto expressing in the finest and tersest words possible this national recognition."
The president of the College of New Jersey, the Reverend John Witherspoon (Presbyterian) was the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. He is too much forgotten in our history books: John Witherspoon had a far-reaching influence on democracy. He had personally taught several of the signers of the document, and nine of them were graduates of the little college over which he presided at Princeton. When he took up his pen to put his name to the document, Witherspoon declared: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, a spark. We perceive it now before us. To hesitate is to consent to our own slavery.”
Have you ever asked yourself the question why did God make me?
We were created to know and serve the Lord, to walk with him, to enjoy him, and to work for him and to have a relationship with Him. But as a people we have chosen instead to go our own way, looking to find satisfaction and fulfillment in: Money, Drugs, Achievements, Food, Sex, Education, Sports, Music, Family, Work, Religion- the list is almost endless. But still there is a gaping hole in our spirits, still there is a wound that cannot be healed, still there is a heart cry that cannot be answered. Only God can fill that hole, that emptiness that we all experience! Only God can mend that wound! Only God can heal and fill that emptiness. Only God can answer that heart cry!
If we obey God, we will receive the blessing of God. If we disobey God, the hand of God’s chastisement and judgment will fall upon us. From the beginning of time we have had the choice to choose whom we would worship.
Whom do you choose to serve today? Will you turn to the LORD in Humble repentance today? Will you let HIM fill every empty corner of your life with HIS love and joy. Accept HIM as your Savior and have HIM lead you in His paths of righteousness and you will never be alone or feel empty again.