- A Christian woman from Kentucky, put in jail for taking a stand for a biblical view of marriage
Four million Syrian refugees fleeing their homeland and pouring into other countries - A significant Russian military buildup in Syria
- Much debate regarding the UN General Assembly meeting on September 25 where both the Pope and Iranian President Rouhani’s are scheduled to make speeches. Reportedly, President Rouhani is going to focus on the issue of Palestine.
- An apparent end to “if you see something / say something” which occurred when a 14 year old muslim boy brought a homemade “clock” to school which was mistaken by a teacher for a bomb. The school and teacher have since been portrayed negatively in the press, social media and even the white house, instead of being applauded for being careful.
- Much speculation over the recent “Shemitah” and potential impact on financial markets.
- Much speculation over the pending fourth “blood moon” to coincide with the Jewish holiday – Yom Kippur
Although I agree that these events may be significant from an end times perspective, most of the articles I read left the readers in a state of fear and confusion. Today, I want to remind you that the portions of scripture which refer to the end times and descriptions of significant end times events are meant to bring HOPE and not fear.
During the Olivet Discourse- found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 - Jesus responds to a question from His disciples and tells of the events that would indicate that the last days were approaching. In Mark 13:23, Jesus ends the discussion by stating “So be on your guard: I have told you everything ahead of time.” Luke adds some more detail to this in Luke 21:34 when he reports the words of JESUS saying: “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.” Clearly Jesus didn’t want anyone to be caught by surprise. These words were not meant to put fear into the hearts of men...on the contrary, they were meant to bring Hope!
Maybe you are thinking, “how can say that this is about hope when everything preceding those verses is about the awful things and persecution that we would see as the end times approaches?” If that is you, I would remind you that the end times for the believer is a time of reuniting with JESUS CHRIST! In Titus 2:13, Paul reminds us that we are waiting for “…the blessed Hope – the glorious appearing of our great GOD and Savior, JESUS CHRIST”! In John 14:3 Jesus Himself said “…I go and prepare a place for you, [and] I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am”!
This is the real message of the end times…a message of HOPE as we are physically reunited with our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST and will be with HIM forever. End times prophecy is not meant to help us “time the stock market” or cause our “hearts to fail for fear”. It is meant to encourage us to focus on that which is truly important and to ensure that we are prepared for the return of Jesus Christ! Now THAT is a message of HOPE….to be with JESUS our SAVIOR forever!
Today, be sure that you are saved. If you have never asked JESUS to be Lord of your life, do it today! Confess your sins to HIM, tell HIM that you believe in HIM and give JESUS full control over your life. Do not fear, but be encouraged and have HOPE, because Jesus will be returning soon for those who believe in HIM – just as HE said!