How can we understand mercy? In our lives, it’s not often that we get a second chance, let alone a third or fourth chance. If I am taking an exam and answer a question wrong, the teacher is not going to give me a second chance! Thankfully, God is different. Psalm 23 tells us that the Lord’s mercy endures forever. That means nothing can stop His mercy. We all need mercy. I don’t need to tell you that we’re all sinners. It’s a simple, sad fact of life “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” ( Romans 3:23).
With this in mind, how can a pure, righteous and Holy God allow us anywhere near Him? The answer: He is merciful!
When we pray and ask God for His mercy and forgiveness; we are acknowledging that He has the power and the authority to give it to us. This revelation of a gracious, understanding, merciful, forgiving God is to change our attitude toward God and His creation; it is not to change God’s attitude toward us.
God’s mercy is never withdrawn from us. It is ours to acknowledge and accept whether we are riding high and everything seems to be going well or if you are on a downward spiral. God’s mercy is always available. You do not have to plead for or beg for His mercy. You don’t have to ask Him thousands of time because God’s mercy is always there. His mercy is always being offered, always present to you.
Many will say: ”Well you don’t know the things I have done and how deep and how long is my sin.” The Word tells us that no matter how far we have fallen, how deep we have strayed His mercy goes farther.
In Jeremiah 33:11 we again find the phrase: “His mercy endures forever”. Jeremiah saw the coming kingdom. He saw the lion lying down with the lamb; he saw the little child leading a lion down the street. He saw the kingdom of righteousness and peace. And Jeremiah said: Praise the Lord! Look what He has in the future for each of us-His mercy endures forever!
Do you know that God will be merciful to you as long as you live? No matter how young or old you are, the mercy of the Lord will continue to endure. You see it does not matter what age you are and how long you have known Jesus Christ as your Savior the mercy of the Lord will be there for you. The Bible tells us that when we go through the valley of the shadow of death, and when someone sits at your bedside, waiting for you to go home to be with the Lord, His mercy endures forever. That word endure means nothing can stop it. It comes from a Greek word which means ”to conquer”. It means His mercy conquers forever.
Mercy is defined as God’s kindness or pity on you and I. It is an aspect of God’s love that causes Him to help the pitiful or the miserable, in other words people like you and I.
It’s the reason we are saved.
It’s the reason God keeps getting us out of the messes we drag ourselves into.
It’s the reason why in our carnal state God keeps on loving us.
Thank God He gives us mercy instead of justice! He pardons and forgives and keeps on watching us! Thank God for mercy!
Let me tell you something about his mercy: it is the reason you and I aren’t condemned straight to the pits of hell every day.
His mercy endures forever!