Is hell real? What is Hell really? So today, let us take a look in the Bible and see what the Bible tells us about hell.
The Bible describes hell as:
A lake of fire……………………………………Revelation 20:15
A bottomless pit………………………….. ……Revelation 20:1
A horrible tempest……………………….. ……Psalm 11:6
A devouring fire………………………………..Isaiah 33:14
A place of sorrows……………………………..Psalm 18:5
A place of weeping……………………………..Matthew 8:12
A place of wailing ………………………. …….Matthew 13:42
A place of torments……………………………..Luke 16:23
A furnace of fire…………………………. …….Matthew 13:41 -42
A place of everlasting burnings…………. …….Isaiah 33:14
A place of everlasting destruction………. …….2 Thessalonians 1:9
A place where they curse God………………….Revelation 16:11
A place of outer darkness………………………Matthew 8:12
A place where people pray………………. ……Luke 16:27
A place where they gnash their teeth……. ……Matthew 13:42
A place where they cry for mercy…………….. Luke 16:24
A place of everlasting punishment………. ……Matthew 25:46
A place of everlasting fire……………….. ……Matthew 18:8-9
A place of separation from God………… ……2. Thessalonians 1:9
A place of unquenchable fire…………………..Matthew 3:12
A place of eternal damnation…………………..Mark 3:29
A place where they gnaw their tongues………..Revelation 16:10
A place of fire, brimstone and torment…………Revelation 20:10
A place prepared for the devil and is angels……Matthew 25:41
A place where they cry for one drop of water….Luke 16:24
A place where they will be tormented with fire and brimstone….Luke 16:24
A place where they will drink the wine of the wrath of God……Revelation 14:10
A place where their worm diet not, and the fire if not quenched…Make 9:48
A place where they do not want their loved ones to come……….Luke 16:28
A lake of fire burning with brimstone……………………………Revelation 19:20
A place of darkness………………………………………………Jude 1:13
Revelation 21:9 says……But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Many people used to tell me that when they go to hell that there will be a big party awaiting them. They willparty with their friends. You do know that there is not one Bible verse to substantiate that idea!!!!!! Unfortunately, these Bible verses paint a vivid and sobering picture of hell as a place of torment, darkness separation, destruction and eternal punishment. Your choice, choose wisely!
My question to each of you reading this: Is this where you want to spend eternity?
If you want to escape or avoid this place of torment, then take a moment today and confess your sins to the Lord and ask Him to forgive you, tell HIM that you believe that HE is the Risen Savior and the ONLY way to GOD and receive HIM as your Savior! It is the most important decision you will ever make and it will have ETERNAL BENEFITS!