For You formed my inward parts; You [a]covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
The Bible tells us that we are made by God! Yes, you are made by God! There are no accidents. Some are tall. Some are short. Some are thin and others are "less thin". Some have light skin and others have dark skin. Like snowflakes and like our fingerprints, each of us is unique and has been fearfully and wonderfully made by the one true God! God is the Creator. He exists. He is not a product of man’s imagination. He is real and He is the One who gives us our Hope.
In these verses from Psalm 139:13-14, King David was a unique man just as we are and he reminds us that
we are all unique. God crafted you and there is no one else like you. Another version of or translation of Psalm 139 says that God knitted you together. Consider the implications of that image. Knitting is a careful, step- by- step method of creating something out of nothing. This means that you are not just another mass-produced clone, rolling off the assembly line. You are carefully planned, meticulously created and individually placed with love on this planet by the Master Artist, the Master Creator and Designer. And the good news does not stop there!
Of all the created order only man is said to have been created in God’s image. That means that we humans
are to be the “crown of creation". Yes, that is what God had wanted before the Fall of Man in Genesis 3, when sin entered through the sin of Adam and Eve. So thanks to them we now all have a sinful DNA. We now have a broken image and that is what is referred to as the Fall of Man; that we have been separated from God. Romans 3:23 tells us that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” You see when Adam and Eve sinned and rebelled against God and did not listen to what He said, the image of God was marred, broken and cracked.
Man was no longer what God intended him to be. The consequences of sin was far more than the loss of being evicted from the Garden of Eden; it was the loss of the Image. Because the image is broken man cannot fulfill God’s plan and purpose for him. The image needed to be restored. That is why we need to be born-again. The image can be restored ONLY through Jesus Christ. (You can find this in Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4,Colossians 1:12-15, Colossians 3:9-10). The Good News is that the image is renewed as we give ourselves to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit shapes us gradually into the image that we were supposed to be. This is not a graven image. We are NOT little gods, we were created to be like Jesus. Our lives are to show others that we serve and love Jesus, the One who gave Himself for our sins.
We get so wrapped up in our culture and the way we think and we forget it is not about us and who we are and how great we are or who our parents were and it is not about how much money we have, etc. NO! We are not the kind of work that just hangs in a gallery waiting to be admired. The Bible tells us that we were created to do “good works”, that God has prepared for us to do. So, we don’t have just artistic merit but we ALL have a purpose. Remember that when you think you aren’t attractive enough, intelligent enough or physically gifted enough, remember who made you. God made you carefully. He made you lovingly. He made you for a purpose. You are attractive enough, smart enough and everything else enough to accomplish all that your Heavenly Father has planned for you in this life. Now stop listening to all the naysayers and go and do what Our Lord has put in your heart to do for His Kingdom.
King David willingly surrendered control of his life to God. Yes, David submitted himself to God’s will and plans for his life. BUT David was not perfect there were times that he stumbled, times when he sinned, times when he chose his own desires and wants. Yet David repented at those times and returned back to the God he loved and served. David was obedient and the Bible calls him “a man after God’s own heart“.
You may be reading this article and you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, but remember if we truly want to be a disciple of Christ, then we must choose to follow Him as Lord. We must truly follow Him as our Master. Remember all God had to say was “Let there be….” and there it was!