Job 14:17 says. “My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and You cover my iniquity.” In ancient times, when men died at sea, their bodies were placed in a weighted bag which was sewn together and sealed. Then they were cast into the depths of the sea. If we ask God to forgive us of our sins that is what God will do with our sins. They are cast into the depths of the sea. When Christ died, by His one sacrifice for our sins, He put away all our sins. They are buried in the sea of God's infinite forgiveness, never to be
brought up again. Our sins can be erased, only by Faith in the shed blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13-28)
Did you know that God has written A BOOK FOR OUR NAMES?
If you have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins, the Bible tells us that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of life! You will find that throughout scripture. (See: Psalm 139:16, Philippians 4:3 and Revelation 13:8 and 17:8) The fact that our names are written in that Book means that our salvation is a matter of absolute certainty. When God says "Rejoice because your names are written in heaven," He is telling us that we have nothing to fear. All is well for those whose names are written in heaven. This tells us that the only way one’s name can be placed in the Book of Life is by the acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior, and what He did for us at the Cross. This is referred to as a Foundational Doctrine and it means that every Doctrine from the Bible must be built on the foundation of the Cross of Jesus Christ otherwise it is false, fake, counterfeit and a hoax. Are you getting the message?
Did you know that God also keeps A BOTTLE FOR OUR TEARS?
Psalm 56:8-9 states: "You tell all my wanderings: Put You my tears into Your bottle: are they not in Your book?...when I cry unto You, then shall my enemies turn back: This I know; for God is for me.” It was customary at ancient Egyptian funerals for mourners to have a small cloth or sponge to wipe away their tears. Then, they were squeezed into a small vial, a tear bottle, and placed in the tomb with the dead,
symbolizing the care the mourners had for one who had died. Even so, our God, our heavenly Father, our Almighty Savior, our Holy Comforter tenderly cares for us. In all our afflictions He is afflicted. We are the very apple of his eye. In these verses we are being told that despite David’s wanderings and his attempts to escape from King Saul, God knew at all times exactly where he was. When the Believer sets out to do the will of God for his life, Satan will do all he can to oppose those efforts. Remember the Lord allows Satan a certain latitude so that we may learn to have Faith and to place our trust exclusively in the Word of God. We have to be reminded that Satan is a liar, a loser but he is limited by God.
There is a saying:
Oppressors stand above us, adversaries stand against us but comforters stand beside us.
No matter how old we are, we all want to be comforted. In the Bible, God is our ultimate comforter, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God takes great care to comfort His people in their trials and sorrows in this world. Could anything be more comforting in this world of sin, sorrow and death? Our God has put our sins in a bag and buried them. Our names are written in the Book of Life so we can rejoice in that. And our tears He has put into a bottle to show His tender care for us. For those of us who have been Believers for many years and have read the Word of God; we know that God is absolutely true to His Word. If He says it is going to happen….it will happen.
Do you know for sure that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?
Maybe you are asking, "Who is the Lamb"?
Jesus is the Lamb!
So I ask, is your name in His Book or not?
Remember you won’t get to spend eternity in Heaven unless it is recorded there.
Sometimes, we forget that we are ALL terminal and one day, when death comes knocking at your door you need to know where you will spend eternity. Will you spend eternity in heaven or hell?
What is your eternal destiny?
Remember life comes from Jesus not from what the world has to offer. This world offers no eternal rewards only heartaches, pain and sorrows.
Only Jesus offers eternal rewards.
It is your move.
It is always your choice.
Choose wisely!