a time of rejoicing because JESUS our SAVIOR died on the Cross for our sins. He not
only died but was resurrected on the 3rd day after the crucifixion as the bible tells us in John 19 and 20.
Why do you think there is so much hatred of Jesus today? The answer is simple, it's because HE lives!
No one argues or protests over someone who is dead. Muhammed is dead, Buddha is dead,
Joseph Smith is dead. But JESUS IS ALIVE!!!! HE went to the cross for all of our sins!
Now sin isn't something a lot of people like to talk about. Sin is something that in our
society we have pretty well avoided or talked away or rationalized out of existence;
but it has not been eradicated in God's Word.
Every human that has ever been born has been born as a slave to their own desires,
as a slave to sin. We want to have what we want to have, and we want it now. The
only problem is that we care about our own desires more than we do about anything
or anyone else. We make our own desires out to be more important than what God
desires for us. Because God's desires do not fit with our desires, we forsake God
and we rebel against him.
But GOD's glorious solution to man's greatest problem happened on Easter!
We received GD’s supreme blessing when we really deserved GOD’s wrath. GOD
became man in Jesus Christ and He did so not to be served, but to serve HIS creation!
The King of eternity, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who reigns in power over all creation
from eternity past to eternity future, who crushes nations before Him as a rod
of iron smashes pots of clay, this very King humbled Himself and "took the form
of a servant, being born in the likeness of men" and lived among us as our servant!
Doesn’t that take your breath away?
And if that does not amazing enough, there is a passage in Micah 7:19 that
states that not only have our sins been forgiven but they are cast into the depths
of the sea. This is sometimes referred to as God’s waste removal system. The
complete removal of sin, complete forgiveness. When JESUS cleansed us, HE took
care of all our sins – past, present and future. They were all forever washed away!
I know some of you are going to say "I am unworthy of God’s forgiveness because
I have done so many bad things". That is actually a true statement. We are all unworthy.
That’s why forgiveness is so amazing! God delights to show mercy. HE has compassion on us
and if we ask, HE will hurl all our sin into the depths of the sea. Experience God’s
mercy and pardon today.
The Cross of Jesus Christ is the ultimate sign of the incredible Good News of God’s
love for us. The Cross is the ultimate sign of God’s faithfulness and our assurance
that He will never leave us or forsake us.
Because of the ONE who died for us on that Cross we have the ability to be at peace with GOD,
the Father. Yes, we lost that peace in the Garden as recorded in Genesis 3, but we regained
that peace once again through Jesus Christ. As if that was not amazing enough, know that if
we chose Jesus as our Lord and Savior we will spend all eternity with HIM in heaven.
Then why do so many of us Christians live like we’re the boss and Jesus is the one
who’s supposed to live for our convenience? It’s not supposed to be that way. He is
the King. He is owed our allegiance and obedience. Not because He’s some weird
supernatural dictator, but because HIS love drove HIM to come to earth and die for us on an
old-rugged cross! JESUS took the punishment that we deserved when HE died on the cross. But it didn't end on the cross and it didn't end in the tomb because JESUS didn't stay dead, HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE ON THE THIRD DAY! HE IS RISEN! THAT is what Easter is all about and why it is soooo exciting!!
Accept HIM today as your LORD and Savior....HE IS THE RISEN LORD!